Search results for: in Cambridge (edit)
Local News and Updates
Find out about the growth in your neighbourhood
  • 28th November 2012
Community forum to give residents the chance to discuss new developments in Cambridge. Read more
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to pay Royal visit
  • 26th November 2012
On Wednesday, you have a chance for you to see, and possibly meet the royal couple! Read more
Shop Smart in Cambridge this Christmas
  • 21st November 2012
thebestof Cambridge shares a few tips to help save money and stress this December. Read more
The Very Early Lunch Club is back for its December meeting
  • 16th November 2012
A great network event with a keynote speaker this December, thanks to VELC! Read more
Cambridge to adopt Total 20
  • 8th November 2012
New officer appointed by Cambridge Council to decrease speed limits in residential and retail areas. Read more
Cambridge Music Festival set to dazzle!
  • 6th November 2012
As well as world class performances, this year's festival will be lighting up the night in spectacular style! Read more
Cambridge Lights up this Monday for Bonfire Night
  • 31st October 2012
The annual Cambridge Firework Display takes place on Monday night Read more
Make Bonfire Night go with a Bang
  • 27th October 2012
Safety and fun tips for your back garden bonfire in Cambridge! Read more
Cambridge Urban Festival
  • 25th October 2012
November 1st 2012 sees the first Urban Festival in the Grafton Centre Car Park Read more
Learn essential communications skills at November's Very Early Lunch Club
  • 17th October 2012
Story telling for Stone Age brains with VELC and communications expert, Liz Lewis Read more
Displaying page 20 of 63