A Gem of a Market in Canterbury
16th April 2010
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I have discovered a new heaven.

It's no secret that I've not lived a lifetime in Canterbury, and am still finding out about some of it's gems.

And this one is a gem I have to share.

A good friend took me to The Goods Shed the other day - daily farmer's market, food hall and restaurant.

Obviously at thebestof Canterbury we're all about promoting local business, and this place does just that for a huge range of local producers and suppliers.

On Station Road West in Canterbury, The Goods Shed is open Tuesday to Saturday 9am 'til 7pm, and Sundays 10am 'til 4pm. Monday is the new Day of Rest.

And having discovered it I don't think I'll be shopping in a supermarket any time soon, I really am like a child in a sweet shop.

Winner of The Best Food Market at the BBC Radio 4 Food and Farming Awards 2009, and short-listed for Best Food Takeaway at the same awards, The Goods Shed is carving a very tasty niche for itself in terms of local food shopping.

I have been educated in the provision of Raw Milk - neither pasteurised or homogenised - and will be returning to learn more from The Larder and it's art of domestic economy and food preservation.

From homemade live yoghurt and whiskey icecream in The Dairy, to a dizzying array of pickles and chutneys (try their beetroot and apple chutney), I staggered on to see cured sprats, potted beef, pressed pigs ear, proper corned beef and pots of dripping. And don't get me started on the sweets and desserts: the words brittle, violet creams, candied orange peels and crystalised violet flowers should be tempting enough. And proper lemon curd - once tasted, you'll never go back to the mass-produced supermarket kind.

The Farmer's Market itself is a wonderful collection of local vegetable growers and other suppliers. Simon The Fish tries to stock wild fish caught on local boats, Tom's Cheese isĀ  a renowned expert on British cheeses and Murrey's General Store stocks ales, wholefoods, Ecover products. You can even fill your own bottle with organic olive oil which I thought was charming.

I could go on about the food and produce you can buy - and eat - at The Goods Shed, but to be honest you'd be so much better off going for yourself than just reading about it!


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Ben Jackson is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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