Would You Know What To Do?
11th October 2010
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I've just seen a heart-rending advert on the television - I was having my lunch, that's my excuse - for The St Johns Ambulance, and their campaign to ensure all parents know what to do in an emergency situation with their children.

The St Johns Ambulance understands how helpless people can feel in an emergency, and offers a range of advice and courses specifically tailored to different situations.

The current campaign provides a leaflet full of first aid advice - and best of all, this advice is FREE and will be conveniently sent to your own address at no extra charge.

The advert lead me to have a look at the St Johns Ambulance website again - I last visited it, oh, must be over a year ago, as part of research for courses - and applied for my FREE leaflet to be sent out.

I took a few minutes after that to have a look at the rest of the website, and spotted the long list of work-related first-aid courses available. {{Click}} Train of thought number two...

How up to date is your first aid experience for your business?

If you're a business owner or manager, you need to ensure that there is adequate first aid knowledge within the company, should any accidents happen. Not only could it improve the recovery chances of any of your personnel in the event of an emergency (clearly the most important reason), but it has benefits for your Health & Safety assessments and possibly your insurance too. It may be a case that you or your personnel just need a refresher course - times and techniques do move on, and memories do fade, so it pays to be up to date.

The St Johns Ambulance run a number of first aid courses for the workplace, with many in or near the Canterbury area. For full details and information on what courses are available in your area, check out www.sja.org.uk

Get the knowledge now - it could just save a life.


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Ben Jackson is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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