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Local News and Updates
Trusty Burgers
  • 9th July 2010
For me a BBQ isn't complete without delicious homemade beef burgers, so I'm prepared to share with Canterbury my very own recipe. Read more
Twas the night before Christmas...
  • 22nd December 2009
And just what do you think is going on in your house this year? Read more
Loving Canterbury
  • 4th February 2010
We're full of love for our 14 Days of love campaign Read more
KM Group Forced to Scrap Takeover Bid
  • 19th October 2011
The KM Group has been forced by the Office of Fair Trading to withdraw its bid to purchase several rival local newspapers. Read more
A Fantastic Line Up For The Herne Bay Festival
  • 10th August 2010
The Herne Bay Festival - a nine day celebration of Herne Bay's environment and vibrant community - is coming up between Saturday 21st and Sunday 29th August 2010. Read more
Your City needs you
  • 22nd January 2010
As a resident of Canterbury, you have a say in the aims and achievements of your borough council by participating in their Core Strategy consultation process in 2010. Read more
What's on this summer in Canterbury?
  • 2nd July 2010
Let us know about any events or activities happening around Canterbury this summer, and check out thebestof Canterbury's Events page to see what's going on. Read more
Buy Local
  • 13th May 2010
Where to find Markets and Boot Fairs in the Canterbury area Read more
Summer Offers on the Canterbury Resident's Card
  • 30th June 2010
Do you have a Canterbury Resident's Card?... Read more
Promote you business through personal recommendation.
  • 23rd February 2010
If there's anything thebestof's recent 14 Days of Love search for the perfect testimonials showed, its that if you treat your customers right, they'll shout about you from the roof tops. Read more
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