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Local News and Updates
Are You Ready to Feather The Pensions NEST
  • 11th October 2011
Do you know about NEST, the new government solution to give a pension for all?... Read more
Canterbury looks after its small-to-medium sized businesses
  • 2nd March 2010
The Federation of Small Businesses praises Canterbury City Council for its support of local business - find out how it can help you too. Read more
BMW 3 Series Named 'Most Reliable Car'
  • 23rd November 2011
The BMW 3 Series has been named as the most reliable car by FleetNews. Read more
We have just won an award!
  • 18th November 2011
It's not often that we blow our own trumpet but today we are making an exception.... Read more
How to spot a Kent Test mindset in your child
  • 6th October 2010
Peter Whisson of Kip McGrath Education Centre in Canterbury explains some of the characteristics, which may develop as early as Year 4, of a child likely to pass the Kent Test to gain access to grammar school. Read more
Canterbury StreetGames
  • 6th May 2010
Free sports, community spirit, more to do...... Read more
A Gem of a Market in Canterbury
  • 16th April 2010
In our eternal search for all things local, we've fallen in love with The Goods Shed Farmer's Market Read more
Oooh Ahhh It's Bonfire Night
  • 28th October 2010
Follow some essential safety advice this Bonfire and Firework night - and don't turn the Oohs and Ahhs into Eeeks and Arrghhhs. Read more
Local publican is TV star!
  • 27th October 2009
Local publican Robert Whigham and his pub, The Red Lion at Stodmarsh, recently featured on Channel 4's Cutting Edge programme which is exploring the British public's fascination with the local pub by visiting Red Lions throughout the country. Read more
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