Are Your Staff Happy? - Human Resources - thebestof Ben’s view point!
25th January 2012
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Are Your Staff Happy? - Human Resources  - thebestof Ben’s view point!


With the turn of the New Year well under way and many back fresh from festive breaks we start to review our work situations by either giving focus or adjustment.


Unfortunately for some of us we may find our work place environment somewhat uneasy, unfriendly or difficulty in attending each day - but we put up with it because it’s a job, an income, the crust on which we live. However, what many do not realise is that having the right structure in the workplace can relieve enormous pressure and stress as long as the owner or manager is effective in Human Resources (HR).


Businesses micro and large throughout South Wales succeed and crumble on their staff. An ill, unhappy workforce will decrease your sales, turn customers away and basically do the absolute minimal to get their pay cheque.


On the other hand, having an effective Human Resource structure will allow a systematic approach to work, so that everyone is treated fairly, clearly and rewarded for their dedication, new ideas and commitment to their job. Achieving this is not easy, but a start is to get your boss, manager or senior to realise that your team is de-motivated, signs include, increased absence, irritable staff and few smiles – feel like that?


The next step is to get a HR professional, to analyse, review and implement some very basic and fair systems of work so that everyone is treated equally and fairly. Its common knowledge that a team treated equally perform outstandingly compared to an ill formed team – thus improving your bottom line!


Basically, if you’re feeling a bit lousy in work and it’s because others around are being treated differently, whether it be less or more favourably tell your boss about Connective HR’s FREE HR Health Check - allowing the Micro and SME sector to build solid foundations for growth!


Remember people are your business and business is about people - get this right and one can achieve the American dream!


About the Author


Member since: 10th July 2012

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