Have you been to the Amelia Farm?
28th January 2010
... Comments

We have been contacted by a colleague - Steve from the Best of Leicester who has recommended a superb faciltity to us - the Amelia Farm which is located just outside Barry in the Vale of Glamorgan.

I must confess that I had not heard of this farm and charitable trust and the 160 acre facility seems superb.

I have had a look at their website http://www.ameliatrust.org.uk/ and they offer a wonderful opportunity for families to experience a farm and the outdoors and at no cost. 

There are also great opportunities for volunteers to help out and get involved with a very worthwhile charity.

As a family day out they have much to offer and like City farm all those years ago it is a great cahnce for the people of Cardiff, to experience animals and the land.  This is going to be a significant issue for generations going forward.

There are many who believe that many modern problems, such as diet etc, can be traced back to recent generations losing contact with the land.  We need to understand the agricultural cycle even when we live ina city and the Amelia Farm can help younger people with that understanding.  Why not pop along.

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Member since: 10th July 2012

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