Keep the kids safe this Bonfire night
24th October 2013
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Bonfire night is a fun night of the year, everyone is dressed in their winter woolies to step outside into the cold autumn night and watch amazing fireworks displays light up the sky.

But remember not only that it's the 5th of November but to stay safe.

If you aren't already wearing gloves because of the cold, put some on when holding sparklers to protect your hands

Once the sparkler is no longer lit place it in a bucket of water as it still remains hot even after it's lit

Never point a sparkler at anyone else


If you're building your own bonfire this year place it far away from the house, your garage, the garden shed, fences and overhead cables, trees and shrubs and always away from fireworks

Never use flammable liquids to light the fire, or fireworks

Keep fireworks in a closed box and use them one at a time.


Fireworks displays in Cardiff:

Sparks in the Park at Cooper's Field, Cardiff. Saturday 2nd November. Gates Open - 4:30pm



Penarth Fireworks Fiesta at Penarth Athletics Field 5th November 6pm

More local events in Cardiff:

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