PA Promotions Exhibition
4th December 2013
... Comments

Today we went along to the PA Promotions Exhibitions event at the Celtic Manor, it was a fantastic event with so many ideas for branding and promoting your business, ones that I have never even thought of before. I was really glad I came along to get some ideas not only for thebestof, but, for our members also.

Everyone at each of the sands were really helpful and friendly and had lots of information about each of the different products from pens, notepads, iPad cases, USB sticks, even ice scrapers for the car. All of which can be branded to suit your business.

There was free food through out the day which was delicious, as it took a long time to get around all of the tables it definitely worked up an appetite. I even took home a bag of pic 'n' mix. (Yum!)

Some of my favourite products were the simple things like pens and notepads as I am always writing down notes. But there was so much merchandise available for any kind of business. You definitely will not want to miss the next exhibition that PA Promotions have, I know I won't! 


Visit PA Promotions here on thebestof Cardiff

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Member since: 10th July 2012

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