Adamsdown Primary School
Adamsdown Primary School
  • System Street,
    CF24 0JF
Adamsdown Primary offer a "caring, sharing and learning together" motto and have made it their aim to create a secure, happy and confident environment for their pupils.


Adamsdown Primary School

Adamsdown Primary School aim to create a happy, secure and confident evironment for your child. 

Term times
Spring 8:55 - 15:30
Summer 8:55 - 15:30
Autumn 8:55 - 15:00


  • Develop each child to their full potential in mind and body and in such a way that they understand and contribute the world in which they live;
  • Ensure that all children have equal opportunities to access a broad and balanced curriculum regardless of gender, race, disability or social background;
  • Provide a stimulating and challenging environment for learning;promote quality learning through first hand experiences based on the requirements of Curriculum 2008 and Skills Framework 3 - 19;
  • Promote within the children positive attitudes to learning and school life through praise and encouragement in order to enable them to achieve their full potential and become life-long learners;
  • Nurture a caring ethos within the school in which the children's values and attitudes are founded on honesty, fairness, respect, tolerance and sharing. We aim to instil in the children the difference between right and wrong in order to prepare them for working and living in today's society;
  • Develop within the children a pride in their school environment and their local area and enhance their knowledge of the culture and traditions of Wales;
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers, building home/school links to ensure parental involvement in children's learning;
  • Provide the opportunity for all staff to develop their personal expertise and professional skills in order to ensure good quality teaching and raise standards of achievement;
  • Ensure the effective and efficient management of resources to support quality learning and teaching;
  • Ensure that all staff take responsibility for the teaching of basic skills and support every child to reach their full potential in this area.
Social Interaction