The Marie Curie Companion Service
The Marie Curie Companion Service
  • Cardiff and the Vale
    Bridgeman Road
    CF64 3YR
The Marie Curie Companion Service is a Volunteer led service which runs across Bridgend, Merthyr, and RCT.

We recruit and fully train Volunteers so that we can match them with a person who has recently received a diagnosis of a terminal illness. This role is completely non-clinical, and all aspects of the role is covered within our thorough training process. The role will consist of Volunteers being matched with a family which they will visit on a weekly basis, providing emotional support and a familiar face to look forward to. Support could entail sitting with the person, enjoying a cup of tea, listening to music, or even going for a walk when it is safe to do so. This role is very rewarding and would be perfect for someone who would like to try something new, give back to the community or just has a couple of hours a week they could spare to visit someone. Please be reassured full support and ongoing supervision is provided with this role.


For more information please contact one of the following:



Telephone: 02922 679740


Social Interaction