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Age Cymru Ceredigion
Age Cymru Ceredigion
  • Age Cymru Ceredigion
    38 Pendre
    SA43 1JS
    SA43 1JS
An independent charity registered in 1994 to support older people aged 55+ in and around Ceredigion.

Age Concern Ceredigion affilliated to Age Cymru in March 2011 and became Age Cymru Ceredigion. We are completely independent from the national organisation but proud to work closely with Age Cymru and Age UK. 

Our vision, for a world in which older people flourish, is shared with our national partners across the UK. Our mission is to improve life with & for older people in and around Ceredigion and in addition:

  • To provide services and support in direct response to older peoples’ expressed needs
  • To become involved in public education and advocate on behalf of older people and their carers
  • To work for the development of services that are innovative and flexible enough to respond to changing conditions
  • To work in partnership with other organisations, both statutory and voluntary, in order to promote services and allow older people to live full and satisfying lives
  • To encourage a positive view of older people

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