Take me back to Cardigan and Teifi Valley
Cilgerran Wildlife Centre
Cilgerran Wildlife Centre
  • The Welsh Wildlife Centre
    SA43 2TB
    SA43 2TB
The stunning Welsh Wildlife Centre stands within the Teifi Marshes Nature Reserve on the banks of the River Teifi. The building won an award for architectural design in 1993 when it was first constructed, and still astonishes the visiting public today. It is constructed largely of wood and glass and has panoramic views over the Teifi River, Cardigan town and woodland.\rThe visitor centre opens on Saturday 4 April 2009 and closes on Sunday 20 December 2009. It is open seven days a week 10.30am to 5pm, but from week commencing Monday 28 September the centre will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays and the opening hours will be 10.30am to 4pm. \r
Social Interaction