Feed the Birds!
6th January 2010
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With all this inclement weather do spare a thought for the birds – the feathered variety!

We are so fortunate to live in an area of wonderful views with a garden that appears to spread into the countryside.  One of the joys is the variety of birds we have in the garden.  We have placed three feeding stations around the garden and one is by the log cabin office.  If I am feeling stressed or harangued it is just so peaceful to collect one’s thoughts by gazing at the birds feeding.

It is important in this weather if we have been feeding birds to keep doing so particularly first thing in the morning and last thing at night as they need the food to keep their energy up during the freezing nights. 

Hubby David believes I am feeding the entire population of birds in Wales! And at times I think he may be right!  Today on the Niger feeder we had over 40 Goldfinches, not to mention 60 plus Chaffinches feeding in the snow below.  Up by the office we have two pairs of blackbirds and a pair of robins together with Willow or Marsh Tits (can never tell them apart so call them Marshwillow tits) Coal tits and today we had a small flock of long tailed tits!  They are so pretty with their little pink faces.

We also have window feeders on our Kitchen and Living Room windows and these attract the Greater Spotted Woodpecker and the nuthatch along with some very cheeky Siskins and Blue Tits.

So what do I feed them on? 
Niger seed – little black seeds from the Thistle plant the Goldfinches and Siskins love Niger Seed.
Sunflower Seed without husks – practically all birds like this food
Peanuts – a favourite of the Blue and Great Tits and the Greater Spotted Woodpecker.
Mixed Corn feed which Robins and the Pheasants enjoy.

I also melt lard at this time of year and mix in ground peanuts and dried fruit to make fat balls or soak stale bread with the lard. It all gives added energy which helps the birds survive the bitterly cold nights.

Also remember to put out fresh water daily during the cold.

Brondesbury Garden Centre in Cardigan stock a good range of bird feeders together with a great selection of bird feed.

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Diana V

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am Diana Vickers, the site owner of thebestof Cardigan & Teifi Valley, which supports the very best of the area’s businesses with their promotions and marketing. The site is soon coming up to its fifth...

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