Build Snowmen at the National Botanic Gardens of Wales
7th January 2010
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Snow Snow and more Snow!! 

Without giving my age away I remember the winter of snow which started Boxing Day 1962 and went on for 11 weeks!! 

Although a young girl I do not remember it bringing the country to a standstill.  I know we had fewer vehicles on the road back in ’63 but my Dad used to put “Winter Tyres” on his car every winter ready for the inclement icy weather.  I also recall the fun of watching the snow ploughs pushing the snow off the roads.  I have not seen one this year! 

And whilst I am on my rant – the schools never closed!  Us kiddies just wrapped up really warm and walked through the snow and ice to school and my primary school was 3 miles away.  I think we are all going a little soft or is because so much gadgetry, central heating 4 x 4’s have made us so complacent.  It is not laziness as most of us work harder than ever but we did not stop work when snow fell.  It is strange that we do this in 2010.  Any ideas why we don't battle on so to speak?

Enough of my rant - have a look at these amazing pictures courtesy of the National Botanic Gardens of Wales.  Notice the “Woolly Mammorth” and what do you think of the gorgeous picture of the Robin?

The National Botanic Gardens of Wales is open during the snow and the entry is free throughout January so if the kids are still off school why not visit and build some Snowmen.  In fact there is room for a whole community of snowmen so go and have some fun! 

By the way Clive (member of staff) recorded -14 degrees C on his Toyota at 8.45 am this morning at the Gardens.  They believe this is the coldest its been since the Garden opened!  So much for Global Warming!

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Diana V

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am Diana Vickers, the site owner of thebestof Carmarthenshire. This was launched in Carmarthen town in June 2008, to support the very best of the area’s businesses with their promotions and marketing....

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