Whilst it is not the done thing to be over concerned with the commercial side of Christmas –
(you know, Bah Humbug, Scrooge and all that) I hope you are busy and making a shed load of money in this run up to the festivities, because your holiday will be just a little bit more relaxing if you know your bank account is healthy and you can buy the gifts and do the things that your loved ones want.
Having said that I hope you will forgive me a short sermon on 2013 if I share a secret with you?

You will not have a good year, achieve your ambitions, get rich, be successful or meet any of your targets just by making a wishing and dreaming! You have to decide what it is you want and then take the actions that will get you there!
Why not write down what it is you want to achieve in 2013 and then make a list of the things you have to do to make it happen. Then share it with family and work colleagues, staff etc.
Here is the secret –there is always an amount of money associated with making your objectives possible, knowing how much it is can be the difference between achieving and dreaming!
We all need a reason and establishing your reason can quite honestly be life changing.
In the New year I will drop you another line with something I want to offer to you for nothing, (I am quite nervous about it – but I will hold my breath and give it a go) Until then can I offer you some Seasonal Greetings for a great Christmas, I hope you manage a decent break and I hope to contribute to your very prosperous New Year
Best Wishes
Chris Olchawski
Visit my Blog www.businessgrowthwales.co.uk
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Chair, Carmarthenshire Branch, Federation of Small Businesses