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Minafon Surgery
Minafon Surgery
  • Hillfield Villas
    SA17 4UL
    SA17 4UL
Kidwelly Surgery
To see a doctor or nurse in Kidwelly

How patients registered in Kidwelly can make an appointment.

Morning Surgery, Monday – Friday

If you are registered in Kidwelly and would like an appointment to see a doctor please ring 01554 890234 between 9.00 and 5.00 p.m. any week day. If you need an urgent sameday appointment with the doctor please ring the surgery between 9.00 and 10.00 am. If there are no pre-bookable appointments available you will be given an emergency appointment at the end of morning surgery. Please note that normally you may choose to book with any of our doctors who have an appointment available, for emergency and sameday appointments the same choice may not be available.

Afternoon Surgery, Monday - Friday

Afternoon surgery is also by appointment. To see a doctor in the afternoon please ring the surgery for an appointment as above.

To see one of the Practice Nurses

Please ring the surgery (01554 890234) or ask at reception to book an appointment in advance with a practice nurse, one of whom is on duty during surgery times apart from on Friday afternoons.
Dr Jennifer M. Dundrow 
M.B.C.H.B., D.R.C.O.G  
Dr Anees F. I. Al-Abdullah  
M.B.C.H.B., M.Sc., F.R.C. Path  
Dr Sharon L. Hartwell  
 M.B.B.C.H., M.R.C.G.P 
Dr Manikandan Muthuvairavan
M.B.B.S., M.R.C.G.P.  
Dr Llinos Roberts
M.R.C.G.P., D.R.C.O.G 
Dr Suelen Soo
M.R.C.G.P., M.B.C.H.B., D.F.S.R.H
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