Conference Facilities in Chelmsford

Find the best Conference Facilities in Chelmsford as recommended by local Chelmsford people in thebestof Chelmsford's Conference Facilities directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Chelmsford
Chelmsford City Fc
Full conference facilities, with two rooms available holding between 1 to 280 people, from half day to full day hire with refreshments and hot and cold buffet. Chelmsford FC Caters for all.
jason p said
I attended the friends of the city networking meeting on thursday night! What great relaxed atmosphere no pressure to do business with anyone just working the room introducing yourself to bussinesses! I would recommend this to any business to attend!These are run at chelmsford football club once a month breakfast/lunch/evening in rotation! To attend all you have to do is contact the club or thebestof Chelmsford?
Conference Facilities in Chelmsford
Essex Record Office
The Essex Record Office (ERO) is the storehouse of Essex history, caring for documents, images, and sound and video recordings that together tell the story of nearly 1,000 years of our county's past. Search our collections, come to an event, or hire one of our spaces.
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I attended the friends of the city networking meeting on thursday night! What great relaxed atmosphere no pressure to do business with anyone just working the room introducing yourself to …
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Marsh Farm
Chelmsford City Fc
Meadows Shopping Centre
Regal Kitchens
The Compasses
Vision Offices
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