Will Polston Business Strategist & Performance Coach

5/5 based on 52 reviews
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I’ve been a part of the Inner Circle with Will Polston just a few weeks and the experience has been brilliant!

The support has been amazing, I love the group coaching zooms with Will, even if I don’t have any questions, hearing other people’s helps me with new ideas both personally and professionally.

I’d highly recommend the programme to anyone wanting to level up in all areas of their life, the investment has been worth every £

Thank you to Will and his fantastic team.
Source: google.com
Definitely learned a lot through the program. Will has provided some really good strategies and developing my North Star Trajectory always gets me back on track when I tend to lose focus. The default diary and to-do list management have also been crucial in helping me stay focused and organised on my priorities.

With these tweaks to my daily routine, I was able to put time aside to apply for and land a job in a new line of work and increase my income.

The group calls were really helpful and there are always some good nuggets of information that have helped reframe some of my perspectives.
Source: google.com
“I’ve been on a self-development journey for a number of years now using different methods and techniques to be the best version I of me I could. Working with Will has allowed me to take this to the next level that has delivered immediate results. Now with clarity on purpose and clear goals set I have implemented simple daily routine changes that allow me to achieve these aspirations easily. 30 days into my 90-day plan and I had already ticked off everything that I needed to achieve which is a first for me. I have a different perspective on my life and what I want to achieve which has developed my mindset into a positive force now knowing everything I want is well within my reach. Will checks in with me regularly to ensure I am accountable and is always available for when I need to get advice on something quickly. I’m a big fan of Will’s W.A.T. (A task management tool) which I use everyday…. The impact on the changes Will has helped me implement has not only had a direct impact on my life but has ripple through to my family, friends, staff, and customers. Although short in height, don’t let make you think there isn’t much there…If you are in search of what is missing in your life, want somebody to provide immediate results and grow you, then Will is your man.”
Source: google.com
Before I started working with Will, I can only describe myself as being lost. I had left my job as a teacher, with no real stability in place for the future. I was due to start as a supply teacher after Easter. The Coronavirus outbreak and the surrounding issues, proved an added strain to this, given that schools look like they will be closed until September, at the earliest. This filled me with uncertainty about my finances and my career path. This, in turn, filled me with dread at the thought of how this would impact my relationship with both friends and family. I knew that I had to do something.

I had the strength of character to know that I already have the necessary attributes to be a better version of myself, but that I didn’t have the tools to put them into action. A friend had mentioned Will to me and I only had to see a few video clips to know that this was somebody who could help fit the pieces of the puzzle together. My thoughts were quickly validated. Will has added the vision and structure that I so desperately needed.

What I have really enjoyed about my experience so far with Will, has been the attention to detail and that no promises have been broken. He does what he says he is going to do. I really value this. He is supportive and non-judgemental. He speaks with confidence, which reassures you that he knows what he’s doing!

Before my Clarity On Your Business Day, I really had no idea where I was going. I had a lot of ideas whizzing around and a lot of ‘information overload’ from the vast resources I had put my energy into reading/watching. After a day with Will, I instantly felt calmer and more focussed. I know a lot more clearly what my business will look like and the action that I have to take to get there.

The best advice I can give to anyone that is not sure whether to work with Will or not, is that investing in Will, is investing in yourself. He has no hidden agenda; what you see, is what you get. I was really worried about the financial output initially, but there is just no way I would have been able to achieve the things I have done so far with Will, by myself. Olympic athletes have coaches and even Oprah Winfrey attributed some of her success to her life coach…so you deserve one too!
Source: google.com
It is difficult to overestimate the effect that the Evolve Inner Circle has had on my business and myself as an entrepreneur. Running your own business can be a lonely and challenging endeavour: the buck stops with you whether it's hiring staff, managing your cashflow or trying to negotiate ever-changing rules and regulations. You are constantly sailing against the tide.

However, with Will Polston and his team looking over your shoulder as you steer the ship, the impossible suddenly become possible. Problems become opportunities. Anxieties become bow waves. And the people sailing beside you on this course help you along the way.

If you're looking for a business coaching course, you should seriously consider joining the Evolve Inner Circle. Will and his team really care about you and your business - they are not just parroting business and self help text books. This sets them apart from the legions of charlatans in this growth area.

In Will's words: 'Make it Happen'; get onboard HMS Polston. I can guarantee you'll never regret the journey!
Source: google.com
I have been working with Will for over a year now, he has been one of the key people who helped me through my divorce and covid. Since then I’ve levelled up in every area of my life and still growing thanks to his coaching and support. Not only does he focus on business but also on other areas of life which all intertwine. Very resourceful and if he cannot help with something he knows someone who can. If you are still on the fence trial it for 30 days, it’s the best investment and value for money. 1 weekly Q&A is worth much more than the monthly membership, thanks Will for your continued support and commitment
Source: google.com
“The impact of working with Will has had on my life is impossible to describe. I asked for more confidence. I was faking confidence, not truly confident or comfortable in myself or my own capabilities. What I got was more than just an answer of how to achieve confidence, but a supported journey to it – and beyond it. Will opened my mind to being able to identify when, or before self doubt kicks in, what I can do to take control of that and see it as it is rather than let it affect me. Not to mention various other aspects of my life that he branched into that needed my attention which I was clearly avoiding. The experience for me has being invaluable.”
Source: google.com
When I started working with Will over 3 years ago I felt tired all the time with no direction. It seemed that I had an endless list of tasks and none of it was making me very happy, my jumping out of bed in the morning excited for the day ahead had stopped.

I have known Will for a number of years, he is someone I have always respected and trusted so I got in touch with him for a chat.

From that point many areas of my life have improved dramatically, I have been an avid follower of personal development for 20 years and one of the issues for me was that I thought I knew everything, the problem was I wasn’t applying anything and I wasn’t clear about what I wanted. I work for myself so it’s very easy to duck out of commitments and take my foot off the gas. Will has helped me be more focused and just as importantly he has helped me e able to take my foot off the gas at times and not feel guilty about it. My businesses revenues have quadrupled and I feel in the best shape I’ve ever been in.

If you are tired, unmotivated, and don’t know where to turn then a chat with Will would be a good starting point.

I think in the coaching space there is a lot of pretenders who take your money and don’t deliver, Will is the REAL DEAL and I look forward to continuing my work with him. Do yourself a favor and make contact, you don’t have anything to lose and a lot to gain.
Source: google.com
Since I have been working with Will, so much has changed. I find it hard to remember the old me, because everything in my life is now so much more positive. I take every day with an upbeat attitude. I feel fulfilled, optimistic and happy.

Things like the suggestion of meditation mean my days are much more balanced. I have morning routines, which means that I can just carry on with the day with a clear understanding on how to cope with stress without flipping out.

Limited beliefs, lack of confidence, not feeling good enough, a plethora of difficulties held me back from taking action in the past. I didn’t even realize these negative emotions existed within me, Will helped me recognise this and create a better future for myself.

I would say take action now and work with Will because he will undoubtedly move you towards a successful version of yourself and away from suffering, what-ifs and being stuck.

Will is a phenomenal person and coach and I really do feel privileged and thankful to have worked with him. I highly recommend working with him.
Source: google.com
Will is great. He really is. What I like about Will is there is no hiding from getting to where you want to be. He is so on it but at the same time supportive. He is there to help you achieve the things that you want from life. Not just in one area of your life but all the areas.

Will has brought my confidence back and reminded me why I am doing what I am doing, and why I am needed in this world. I honestly think that Will is one of THE best people that I have come across in my career and I would 100% recommend him to anyone that is looking to achieve their dreams
Source: google.com
Just finished the first six months working with Will Polston. It’s been a really great experience. Before I started out working with Will, I felt a bit stuck in my business. I knew there was something really great to be found in there, but I was having trouble finding it. And the last six months have been kind of me leveling up to skills and gaining the clarity and confidence of where to go with the business.

So the results of us working together is that I really feel like I know what the next stage is and what I have to do to climb up to those next levels and really unlock the potential of what I’m doing. So I’m super grateful for that.

Will’s a top pro at what he does. He’s really, really good. And the great thing for me is not only is he a very, very able coach, but he also has a great knowledge of online marketing, which worked really well for me, so I highly recommend it from that point of view. So if you’re in a similar position to me, you can see Will, he really knows his stuff. I would give it a shot and see where you land up.
Source: google.com
I own Box to Burn, I was a professional boxer, I’m now retired. When I met Will, I was working out in a shed. I now have over 300 members, I have people queuing to join my sessions. I was an ex pro boxer with no ambition. The biggest thing that changed for me working with Will was understanding my life getting a bit of clarity on my life, helping me to set goals. I now set goals on a monthly and weekly basis. Don’t get me wrong at times, I miss them, but I understand how to set small goals, and how to make them work. Because before I was just writing stuff on paper without even an understanding of it. Will has helped me a lot!
Source: google.com
The Evolve Inner Circle group has been great! It’s really brought focus to the business. We made a few key decisions that really propelled our business forward.

Being in a space with people who just like us needed some help and guidance, made me feel safe and supported. It can be a pretty scary place to find yourself running a business. But opening up and being vulnerable in this group and seeing others do the same, really helped me.

Thank you so much Will! You’re a great teacher/mentor.
Source: google.com
I’ve got a few different businesses, and I’m really want to push them even further, they’re doing well, but I want to take it to the next level. It’s all very well saying that but unless you have clarity on your goals, and you know how you’re going to get there, the actual steps that you need to take to get there. That’s one thing, but doing it is quite another, and that’s where being part of The Evolve Inner Circle has for me made the most incredible difference.

Being around other like-minded people, all different from all different walks of life, some, in their own business, some employees it doesn’t really matter because everybody’s on their own journey.

Ultimately, people want to change and get somewhere and remove excuses and be held accountable, and get help on that journey. So having joined that The Evolve Inner Circle, group, we meet fortnightly online, and we have a Whatsapp group. The great thing is everybody knows what’s each other’s goals are because we share them and we keep each other accountable to them. Crucially, Will keeps me accountable. That’s one of the huge benefits for me, it’s kept me focused, it’s given me clarity of goals makes sure I’m not wasting time on things that I don’t need to be. That in itself has made a tremendous difference.

Will himself is like an encyclopedia, he’s always got a fantastic book recommendation or a person that he can contact, I’ve got three people that I can think of off the top of my head that he’s introduced me to that have made a tremendous difference and impact on my business. So this in itself is just hugely valuable.

Just being part of a group of like-minded people who were all in the same headspace wanting to get somewhere, the power of that is, is just brilliant, it’s so different and so valuable compared to anything I’ve experienced before.
Source: google.com
I was stuck in a rut, with everything,the relationship with myself was ZERO, but I expected perfection in everything, which was never going to happen, All though everything now is not perfect which I’m ok with, life is a million times better!

I would also like to add which was a big thing for me and that’s Honesty.

When Will felt he couldn’t help me with something he pointed me in the direction of someone that he believed could, which for me as the customer I had a lot of respect towards Will for, he didn’t need to do that, he could have carried on, and from a business point of view that would have made more sense but the fact he generally wanted to help and he was honest,thats very commendable in my opinion. So a massive amount of respect for that Will!
Source: google.com
Had an intro session with Adam W. and thought it was a great intro to the support Will & his team can give.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this session and didn't think I would achieve much in an hour session with a stranger. However, talking certain topics through with a person who has little/no context of your struggles but probes in the right areas was actually very effective.

The session helped me breakdown my current frustrations and get clarity on what I should focus on and where I think I am going wrong. Adam brought relevant examples and helped me think differently about what I was looking to do and why. I now have good direction for next steps and tools to support this, thanks to Adam.

Definitely recommend the service to someone who isn't where they want to be, whatever the reason!
Source: google.com
Working with Will offers a unique blend of expertise, methodology, and practical experience that sets him apart in the field of personal development and strategic business coaching.

His deep understanding of personal development and human behaviour, combined with his ability to quickly ask the right questions, enables individuals to think differently, overcome obstacles, and achieve significant results.

Will is renowned for his "Northstar thinking," a methodology that, alongside his published work, forms the core of his distinctive brand.

Moreover, Will's extensive experience in launching and scaling multiple and diverse businesses of his own, provides him with a practical understanding of business dynamics, marketing strategies, and the financial aspects of running a company. This real-world knowledge allows him to offer practical guidance to his clients, as well as having empathy to the daily challenges of being a business owner - making him a genuine and credible advisor.

What truly distinguishes Will is his vast network and his knack for connecting people! He believes in the power of collaboration and networking, and his ability to quickly link individuals with the right contacts is unparalleled.

Whether through his podcast, live events, or personal introductions, Will acts as a conduit, facilitating valuable connections that can propel individuals and businesses forward.

In summary, Will's combination of personal development insight, strategic thinking, business acumen, and networking capabilities makes him an exceptional leader in the field of helping business owners reach beyond what they ever thought possible.
His passion for helping others, coupled with his proven track record, ensures that working with him is not just an investment in professional growth but a gateway to broader opportunities and success.
If you could bottle Will's network, efficiency, drive and consistency - that would be a product worth investing in! :)
Source: google.com
As the owner of S-Tec Group, a Solar PV installation business, I had the privilege of working with Will Polston as my coach, and I couldn't be more pleased with the experience. From our very first meeting, Will demonstrated a profound understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the renewable energy sector. His insights and strategies were not only innovative but also highly practical, enabling us to navigate the complex landscape of our industry with greater confidence and efficiency.
Will's approach is deeply personalized, focusing on the specific needs of S-Tec and tailoring his advice to our business model, market position, and long-term goals. He has an exceptional ability to listen and understand the nuances of our operations, making his guidance all the more relevant and impactful.
Under Will's coaching, we've seen remarkable improvements in our team's performance, customer satisfaction, and overall business growth. His expertise in leadership development and organizational strategy has been invaluable, helping us to enhance our internal processes and cultivate a more dynamic and forward-thinking company culture.
Moreover, Will's positive attitude and genuine commitment to our success have been incredibly motivating. He's not just a coach but a true partner in our journey, always available to offer support, encouragement, and wisdom when we need it most.
I wholeheartedly recommend Will Polston to any business leader seeking to elevate their company to new heights. Working with him has been an outstanding experience, and I am deeply grateful for the positive impact he has had on S-Tec. Thank you, Will, for helping us shine even brighter in the solar industry.
Source: google.com
I started working with Will around February 2023 where I was initially quite sceptical of paying for what is certainly not a 'cheap' online course. However, looking back after 12 months, it scares me to think that I could still have been ploughing on with the same mindset muddling through month to month if I decided to settle for a lesser mentor. This year has been my best in business yet, I'm more resilient and find myself making tougher decisions much quicker along with 100's of other wins inside and outside of work. I'm actioning the 'to-do list' with a sense of urgency and excitement I've never previously had. For anyone considering, I urge that you to take the punt as I genuinely believe Will and the people around him are a powerful force for positive change, always looking to move forward and help each other on that path expecting nothing in return. That being said, be under no illusion that you will be given a foot up, an unfair advantage or some secret cheat code. The work still needs to be done and nobody is going to do it for you, Will and his team are just there to assist, teach, support, nurture and hold you accountable for what you already know needs to be done with plenty of really good tips in between. For me, Will Creates clarity on goals I knew were already there and makes them seem achievable with the tools and techniques to get there! Go into this with an open mind, no ego and a willingness to improve and I'm certain it will be a worthwhile investment. I have also attached one of his best slide show screen grabs to show the level of effort he puts in. Lots of love, FOF
Source: google.com
So many coaches and trainers offer world class knowledge but is usually just reverberated information being reused.

Will has a much more personable approach and has a genuinely compassion for people’s journeys , he has set out to help change the lives of millions but from a holistic and moral viewpoint. We all want success but what will and team offer is personal wellness and wellbeing, which in turn becomes your own personal success- whatever that may look like.

His knowledge and understanding of people and work on personal improvement is world class- he has worked with and listened to the world greatest minds on wellbeing and personal development. People such as dr John martini-Tony robbins and many more.

I follow Jay shetty-prince EA and I feel Will is on the same journey of helping each us find our feet and become better human beings in the process.

Three words to describe wills impact and coaching…

Source: google.com
When I first met Will at an event, he immediately came across as very focused with a real desire to help people; and this came from a family value that I could relate to.
Will has huge ambitions/goals yet seems to be able to bring this back to what he does day to day to make a difference to people. He is very generous with both his time and knowledge.
I feel that Will really cares about those he is trying to support and will ask the probing and sometimes difficult questions to challenge someone. Without challenge and moving outside of our comfort zone, there will be no growth.
Keep doing what you're doing Will and thank you for your support!
Source: google.com
I’ve known Will for a number of years.

I started attending The Evolve Network, which brought people together who wanted to improve their lives.

I found the group impact energy and fantastic speakers inspiring.

I then moved onto a full weekend event, Unlock Your Power.

At the event we were given tools and strategies to let go of limiting beliefs, set goals, design our North Star.

I still use the resources to this day.

What sets Will apart from others is his desire to keep giving. He works with business owners, individuals and groups.

Always providing value and forcing people to look within.

Will has learnt from some of the best in the world and keeps learning.

A true motivator with a proven track record of improving people’s lives.
Source: google.com
I've followed Will on social media for a few years. I read his (terrific) book last summer and that led to me enrolling in his Evolve Academy. The online resources are outstanding and the weekly group coaching calls give you access to high quality coaching at a very affordable price. Highly recommended!
Source: google.com
Will is a fantastic business strategist and performance coach who we share many clients with, and have also had the pleasure of being coached by too. His approach gets results! We have found that our clients who work with Will have a lot of clarity and confidence in their goals / future plans, and therefore understand well how their marketing strategies will fit in with their overall ambitions and are able to get the most out of our work as a result.
Source: google.com
Will is a very giving, caring and talented guy. A very knowledgable and brilliant coach, connector and all round pleasure to be around.
Source: google.com
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