Do you suffer from cold or flu during Winter? Help is at hand with Chelmsford health expert, Linda Perkins!
3rd November 2010
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Do you regularly suffer from colds or the flu? Do you await the winter snap with dread as it will no doubt trigger off an illness or time off work? Does your cold seem to descend on you at certain times of the year?


Many people do not know that illness or bug we normally attribute to the colder weather can often be triggered by an unknown allergy brought on by a change in temperature or exposure to new allergens.


But do not fear, help is at hand!


Local health expert Linda Perkins has been helping people across Chelmsford who regularly suffer from colds, flu or dermatitis for years.


Through simple, yet effective, allergy testing she can pin point the cause of your illness, recommend supplements that can reduce the effects and how you develop a plan to avoid similar problems in the future.


What's more, members of The Best of Chelmsford can enjoy an exclusive discount on allergy testing until the end of November helping you enjoy a healthier and happier Christmas and New Year.

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