Olly’s in the X Factor Final!!!!
9th December 2009
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Olly’s in the X Factor Final!!!!


The Cheeky Chelmsford Lad has got through to the Finals where he should be!

He done another outstanding performance (as Simon would say) the weekend and I believe he has got what it takes to go all the way!!!  He’s got so much determination every week and His Signature moves were out again! Love it! It adds to his performance unlike the other finalists who just stand their and sing yawn...  Nice Voices but not very entertaining when your watching them.

There have been rumours that he will be singing with Robbie Williams this weekend!!! How brilliant would that be! They are a perfect match! What a long way he’s come from his office job he had less than a year ago!

Also Olly has asked NOT to wear his skin tight Trousers he’s famous for (especially with the girls)  

The Tight Trouser singer is embarrassed about his bulging bits highlighted by the skintight strides viewers love to see him in.

He’d rather people were watching him for his voice and not being distracted by his other attributes."

(I think you should stick to the Tight Trousers Olly to Keep the Girl Fans Happy! Especially as it’s the final!)


If your like me and want our Local Lad Olly to win X Factor please pick up the phone over the weekend and vote! There are rumours that one Finalist will be going on Saturday, So please don’t Forget to Vote to keep him in the competition! Look at his reaction last week when he was voted through he was so overwhelmed and emotional! That is someone who deserves to win!!



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