Chichester Falcons Softball Club
  • Oaklands Park
    PO19 6BB
Formed in 2011, Chichester Falcons was named after Chichester's most famed avian habitants, the Falcons. Chichester Falcons Softball Club offers a youth fastpitch team for boys and girls, aged 11-16, and an adult slowpitch team for men and women, ages 16 and up.

Both experienced players and beginners are welcome and we encourage a competetive but informal playing style. 

We play at Oaklands Park, which is our homefield during the months of April - September.

The Chichester Falcons Softball Club have strong links to local charities and the Chichester District Council. The youth club is lottery funded through the Sport England and we regularly provide coaching for local schools, as well as participating at numerous events. 

The Chichester Falcons also work closely with Chichester University Raptors Softball Club  to help develop young players and provide a softball outlet for graduates.



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