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Training and Development in Chippenham
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Help your Chippenham business be the best it can by calling Your PD for professional training and development. We create affordable, bespoke training packages to suit your requirements. Call now on 01225 775036 for further information.
Fiona D said
I have never had a problem with lack of vision – in fact I have a lot of vision. I’m also quite a fastidious planner. The trouble is, in order to plan where you are going, you need to know two things – where you are right now, and where you wish to be in the future. That’s where Andrew Jackson of Your Performance Development comes in.

Meeting with Andrew on a monthly basis has helped me clarify my vision and add the minute detail that was previously missing. This has enabled me to establish where I am and where I want to go. Together we are working through the steps I need to take to get myself there. So far it’s been one heck of a journey!

At no point has Andrew told me what to do, nor has he tried to imply who I am, what I want to do or where he thinks I should be headed. Professional to the core, Andrew uses a winning combination of coaching techniques, questioning and his dynamic personality to help me help myself. By encouraging me to examine myself and find answers to the questions I had first thought were unanswerable, Andrew has helped me to become much more exact about where it is I want to head, both professionally and personally.

Since establishing my visions and goals, Andrew helps to keep me on track by offering continued support to help me attain them. He achieves this by meeting with me regularly and asking me to review what I’ve done since our last meeting. Together we measure my progress against my long-term plans and set new short-term goals, which are in line with the bigger picture. As well as offering accountability, Andrew provides me with focus and helps me to bounce new ideas and solutions around.

Before working with Andrew I was a person of vision with no clear way of reaching my goals. Since starting to work with Andrew I am a person of clear vision who is actively and purposely pursuing goals, which he has helped me to clarify in my own mind. In addition to reviewing and setting objectives to help get me to where I desire to be, Andrew supports me through accountability and keeping my eyes fixed on my larger goals.

I am positive that without Andrew’s help my goals would be much further away, on a much rockier path. I am uncertain as to whether or not I would have even made it without him. What I do know is that working with Andrew has accelerated my personal progress, and I am much closer to achieving my goals than I would have been without working with him. Regardless of whether you are just starting out, have an established business, or even run a large multi-national company, I couldn’t recommend working with Andrew Jackson of Your Performance Development enough! In fact I would go as far as to say, that if you have an opportunity to work with such a fantastic and genuinely nice person as Andrew, you would be more than foolish to turn it down.

Andrew promises YOUR Performance Development and that is EXACTLY what he delivers.

Fiona Davies
Interior Designer – Flame Interiors
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