Coventry Based Recording Studios Aiming to Win Oswald "Flying to the Ground" Remix Competition!
7th December 2009
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Scottish Indie Band Oswald

Flying to the Ground Remix Competition 

BB Recording Studio Coventry



Hi Everyone

I have a small favour to ask of you all if you have 5 mins.

I have entered a fun and quirky little competition in remixing a track for a band called Oswald.
The band Oswald are a up-coming Scottish Indie Band but under management with the ex chief of EMI so I guess they have some followers and good backing.

I entered on the last day and am a few days behind in the voting, so your vote will really help.

Vote my remix as the best (or at least in the top 3) and I may even win!!

BB Recording Studio Coventry

Ps - You can vote everyday if you want & that will help shoot me up the top.

Please leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts on the Remix.

If you would like to contact BB Recording Studios in Coventry - Please feel Free to Email us HERE!

About the Author

Roger G

Member since: 1st June 2011

Married with baby daughter and loving life.

Hobbies include scuba diving, walking/camping, visiting places that are weird around the world whilst eating as much lush food as can be found there.

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