New National Minimum Wage - Businesses in Coventry & Employees are set for an increase!
29th September 2008
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New National Minimum Wage rate increase from October 1st 2008.

The National Minimum Wage applies to nearly all workers in Coventry and throughout the UK and sets hourly rates below which pay must not be allowed to fall.

Businesses and employees in Coventry will see the National Minimum Wage increase from Wednesday - 01/10/2008. The National Minimum Wage is designed to provide workers in Coventry and throughout the UK with decent minimum standards and fairness in the workplace. It is also designed to help businesses by ensuring local Coventry companies can compete with other UK based companies on the basis of goods and services they provide and not on low prices based on low rates of pay.
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New National Minimum Wage rates - 1 October 2008

  • Workers aged 22 and over - £5.73 per hour (was £5.52)
  • Workers aged 18 -21 - £4.77 per hour (was £4.60)
  • Workers aged 16 - 17 - £3.53 per hour (was £3.40)
  • Accommodation offset - £4.46 per day / £31.22 per week (was £4.30 per day / £30.10 per week)

The Rates change on 1st October each year based on the recommendations of the Independent Low Pay Commission. For more useful information on the National Minimum Wage:
or call for FREE confidential advice:
0845 6000 678
Are you a businesses in Coventry? How does this affect you? Employees in Coventry has the National Minimum Wage helped you!
There are lots of arguments for and against the National Minimum Wage; many businesses throughout the UK feared there would be job losses due to the wage increases! Many say this has reduced the liability for the tax payer due to reduced benefit handouts.
Get in touch and let us know your thoughts!!

About the Author


Member since: 11th February 2010

Paul Jones "The Coventry Kid who Did" For Internet Marketing in Coventry, Business Positioning, Permission Marketing, A.C.C. Marketing, Networking, Word of Mouth Business and Blogs about Coventry!!

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