Save Heart Park and Beach
12th August 2010
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Save Heart Park and Beach

Heart Park and Beach is providing a traditional family day out for the local community who might otherwise have a 4 hour round trip to visit the beach! We have also proven popular with local schools for both fun and educational visits - around 4,000 pupils visiting this year.


Our beach and woodland activities have been designed to give youngsters the chance to run around in the fresh air and have plenty of affordable fun.  Video clips and virtual tours can be viewed at - Hear what our visitors have to say.


We appreciate that local residents have their reservations in regards to noise and traffic, however two noise reports have revealed that music is not played loudly nor can it be heard outside the site.  There are no plans to transform this site into a major amusement park but, as a business, we have been forced to diversify due to the economic recession which is how the Heart Park and Beach came into existence.  Thereby keeping local people in employment and creating new jobs!


We have also commissioned a traffic survey and access to and from the site is not a problem and there have never been any accidents to our knowledge. As part of our green travel plan we have encouraged schools and community groups to arrive by coaches or mini-buses to minimise traffic on the local roads.


There have been 10,000 trees planted here over the last ten years including 7,000 this year.  Children paddle daily in our lake which is regularly tested for quality, exceeding required standards. In fact we have attracted herons, swans and ducks to the lake attracting wildlife and enhancing the beauty of greenbelt land.


Our planning consultant is in regular dialogue with North Warwickshire Borough Council to address the issues that planning officers have raised and we have formally submitted an appeal. A date has been set for September 2.


We have already received around 500 signatures of support on our petition and are hoping that commonsense prevails when the appeal is heard.


We remain very much open for business for all our visitors whether it is families visiting the beach or event organisers holding a conference.


Please join the campaign to save our beach by signing our petition at

Your comments are also welcome at


Thank you for your support!

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