The best of Coventry Marketing, Flying the Flag for Business
6th June 2010
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The Best of Coventry Marketing


Flying the Flag for Local Business!

A Handy Guide to the Best Businesses in Coventry

A Trusted resource for local people to find the best businesses in Coventry

After the recent success of our “14 days of Love” campaign and our on going “Buy Local” campaign thebestof Coventry are launching their new publication and Flying the Flag for Local Business with a Handy Guide to the Best Local businesses in Coventry

This Handy A5 guide is for businesses who can demonstrate they are one of the best businesses in Coventry, by way of Recommendation & Testimonials.

This is a professional guide for professional businesses that values their brand image and wishes to feature in a quality publication. There is a set format with each business receiving a full colour page which will include contact details, logo, offers, testimonials and a description of the services you provide. There will be absolutely no adverts, this is a professional business guide - Not a multi coloured swap shop magazine full of advertising!

To enhance the quality of the publication and to differentiate your business from the rest each business featured in the magazine will be invited for a Free professional photo shoot at Venture Photographers in Coventry with the images of you and your staff featuring in the guide.

Nobody else in Coventry offers this!

If you are a trusted business in Coventry and would like to apply to feature in the guide or to receive further information about joining thebestofcoventry:

Call Paul Jones: 024 7696 0735

The best of Coventry Marketing - As well as our brilliant website (which we’re very proud of!) there’s a ton of other stuff that we do to promote great businesses in Coventry. We have over 30 ways to promote your business, here is a sample Package: 

  • Full Website Listing With Video
  • Full Colour Page Magazine Guide Listing
  • Networking / Themed Nights
  • Promotional Material
  • Professional Photo Shoot
  • Quotation Service - "Quote Local"
  • Plasma Screens
  • Social Media Marketing - Twitter FB Youtube
  • Email Campaigns / B2B & B2C
  • Mobile Apps Listings - iPhone BB etc
  • Email Campaigns / Events & Offers
  • Business Support & Marketing Advice
  • Blogs, Events & Special Offer Listings
  • Reduced Cost Printing
  • Mix n Match Introduction Service

All this for less than you would pay for a daily cup of coffee!

It's an opportunity led economy!

Are you giving your potential customers the opportunity to find You?

*Businesses with minimum 12 months trading
*Businesses must provide minimum 3 testimonials
*Free Photo shoot Subject to set dates

About the Author

Paul Jones VIP .

Member since: 13th December 2011

Paul Jones VIP, Coventry kid - Known as the 'Value Information Provider (VIP) and Engagement Specialist' within some circles (usually crop circles!) Doesn’t take life too seriously in case you hadn't...

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