Voice Coaching workshops in Coventry - Have you considered how a voice coach seminar in Coventry could help you!
28th October 2008
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Voice Coaching workshop in Coventry -
When speaking a whopping 38% of the impact you make depends on your voice and words are only 7% of the message!!

A leading Coventry voice coach is holding voice coaching workshops in Coventry that are designed to help you communicate with impact and authority.

Many businesses in Coventry will rely on vocal communication whether that be via the telephone, face to face meetings, giving presentations or at networking events etc. but how many businesses in Coventry have ever considered voice coaching?

We use our voice every single day!
When talking to your employees, potential customers, friends and family but are you getting your message across effectively?

thebestofcoventry has teamed up with a leading voice coach in Coventry and will be holding two voice coaching workshops in Coventry. The half day voice coaching workshops are designed to give you an insight on how voice coaching can help you improve your communication, give dynamic presentations and speak with greater confidence, clarity and conviction.

Why not come and join our fun and informal voice coaching workshop?
Places are limited to 8 people per workshop so book early!

Voice coaching workshops will be held in Coventry on:
Thursday 20th November 2008
1.30pm - 4.30pm
Thursday 4th December 2008
1.30pm - 4.30pm

For further information:
Email Paul Jones -

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About the Author


Member since: 11th February 2010

Paul Jones "The Coventry Kid who Did" For Internet Marketing in Coventry, Business Positioning, Permission Marketing, A.C.C. Marketing, Networking, Word of Mouth Business and Blogs about Coventry!!

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