Charlotte of London - Purley & Croydons Trusted Beauty Authority
8th March 2012
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Charlotte of London
 - Purley & Croydon Trusted Beauty Authority 

I was at a meeting with local business owners recently, a bit of networking that sort of thing and got into a conversation with another business owner who posed the question " What makes you different from every one else?".


If we accept that good customer service, treatments performed to the correct standard and modern clean surroundings are the minimum requirement of any business what do you say?


Well I've been asked this question before so I knew the answer and replied without hesitation. I simply said "we are the Trusted Beauty Authority in Purley & Croydon". Looking somewhat surprised she said "oh really". How did you become that then? It's quite simple.


Not every client comes in for a basic wax or Spray Tan. Client's come to us for guidance and support. Sounds a bit dramatic I know but that's part of what we do. I have seen many clients at their wits end. Many with skin conditions, Acne and poor skin tone, with others it's just a confidence boost that they require. Most of their problems stem from either bad advice or not seeking advice from the right people. It means they end up using the wrong products or possibly to many products at the same time. Being recommended to use something by a friend is always a good one. Let's face it you wouldn't ring me and ask me about your central heating would you?

We give good professional advice. We ask the right questions. We can explain and recommend products. I may be stating the obvious, but be assured we are fully trained in the use of any of the products that we supply. If it's something that we are unable to help with at the salon we can refer you to our network of trusted partners.


We had a client recently with really bad eczema. We referred her to a dermatologist, one of our trusted network and she is now seeing dramatic results following her treatment.

There are many cases where we have simply given advice without treatment or referral. In addition to making huge profits ( I'm still working on that one) isn't that what we are trained to do. Not all beauty therapists are the comic strip bleach blonde's, orange skin and long nails. Apologies to anyone who falls in to that category, no offence meant. In closing, our clients trust in the help and advice that we give. We are trusted by our cients to help solve their problems which is why we are Purley & Croydons Trusted Beauty Authority.

About the Author

Maud T

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi - me and my gang champion and promote the best businesses in the Croydon and Bromley Boroughs. If you are a local business owner, then we'd love to help you grow your profile, profits and get more business.

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