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Local News and Updates
Make sure your car is up to scratch with these fab summer driving tips from McCarthy Cars.
  • 22nd July 2015
Is your car properly maintained for summer driving? Read more
Getting married in Croydon? Still looking for a venue?
  • 15th July 2015
Here's our top pick of some fab venues in the area. Read more
Happy birthday to you... Farleigh comes of age!
  • 25th June 2015
Time to celebrate turning 18 for Farleigh Golf Club! Read more
Do you know when a used car "bargain" is in fact the opposite? McCarthy Cars tell us what to look out for...
  • 1st June 2015
Not all deals are created equal when it comes to buying a car... Read more
Purley Festival - just who's going to be there this year?!
  • 20th May 2015
Excitement builds as the main stage lineup is revealed! Read more
Moving house? Great checklist from Atkins Hope
  • 18th May 2015
Make sure you have all bases covered with this fab checklist. Read more
Driving abroad for your holidays this year? McCarthy Cars tells us what we need to know about Europe's road laws
  • 6th May 2015
Make sure you're up to date with the requirements of driving in Europe. Read more
Project B launches daytime cafe
  • 29th April 2015
A new addition to the Croydon scene - time to check it out! Read more
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