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Local News and Updates
Get ready for Halloween - it's time to start planning according to my children
  • 14th September 2009
It's a little way off yet, but Halloween will be on you before you've said trick or treat... Read more
Let’s put garden waste to better use
  • 25th April 2012
Between April 23rd and November 30th 2012, Croydon Council will be collecting green waste from local households to compost down into soil conditioner. Read more
Car Boots and Carnivals – Croydon has some great days out coming up in June 2012
  • 6th June 2012
Nationally we've had the Jubilee, and we're looking forward to the Olympics, but locally Croydon can offer festivals, boot fair booty and all the fun of a Summer Fair.... Read more
Taking People On
  • 26th October 2009
Taking people on - some common questions and misconceptions raised on the Irenicon hotline. Read more
Smart tips to eradicate your debts by Pablo Gibson
  • 23rd March 2011
People all over the globe are crushed under the burden of debt usually aspire to lead a debt free life.... Read more
Snow stops play? Not for businesses in Croydon
  • 1st December 2010
"Well what an awesome start to the day!... Read more
  • 19th May 2008
I live just outside the Borough of Croydon in Redhill which means that I am up and down the A23, Brighton Road, pretty much every day and I have never seen so many police car / bikes / van as I have in the last couple of weeks.... Read more
Feel the benefit of taking a walk around Croydon
  • 27th June 2012
What if you could lose weight without changing your eating habits one bit – and no, we're not talking major surgery or boot camp here.... Read more
Service is the gateway to multiple sales:
  • 16th May 2012
No one feels great in a cheap suit! Read more
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