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Local News and Updates
Croydon Ambassadors Go From Strength to Strength
  • 21st May 2009
I am delighted to see the Ambassadors Programme launched in Croydon in recent months seems to be really taking off.... Read more
Santa is coming to town
  • 16th December 2010
Christmas party Read more
More BestOf Croydon Members Offers
  • 13th August 2009
The Best of Croydon's businesses spoil our members again.... Read more
Enjoy a night out with the stars in Croydon and look like a million dollars!
  • 27th April 2012
Get yourself a stunning new look without breaking the bank with the help of thebestof Croydon, then boogie along with legends Tom Jones, Elvis, Tina Turner and Rod Stewart - now that promises to be ‘A Night to Remember’! Read more
Croydon's parklands are not just natural beauties - they can be seriously good for your health
  • 27th March 2012
Does getting fit conjure up visions of feeling the burn in the gym or pounding the pavements at 6am?... Read more
Get the festive party started with the corporate Christmas party venues in Croydon
  • 7th November 2011
The annual Christmas party is a great opportunity to enjoy a get together with employers and colleagues.... Read more
Anti-social media and business
  • 11th April 2012
We need bosses to understand the risks of social media and how to manage them. Read more
Competition is fierce for Croydon's Christmas lights
  • 10th November 2009
Hundreds of children entered this year's competition to design Croydon's Christmas illuminations Read more
30-year Scheme To Regenerate West Croydon
  • 26th July 2009
Apparently Croydon is being treated to a regeneration scheme to be piloted over the next 30 years.... Read more
A very special message from Santa, Maud and the team
  • 8th December 2009
Santa Claus has prepared a special video message for you! Read more
Displaying page 72 of 80