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Local News and Updates
Two Events for Croydon's Entrepreneurs
  • 10th November 2009
As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, an international celebration of enterprise, Croydon Enterprise brings you two inspiring events this November. Read more
Push back and prepare to take off - by David Callam
  • 4th September 2008
A PROPOSED auction of London airports is good news for anyone in Croydon who travels by plane.The Competition Commission - of which, curiously, there is only one - has finally acknowledged the blindingly obvious and recommended that BAA should be required Read more
Don't get caught out this Christmas
  • 9th December 2009
Protect yourself and your belongings - don't fall foul to car crime Read more
BNI Foundation Chapter in Croydon makes it to the No. 1 slot!
  • 16th August 2009
It's official, Croydon Chapter Foundation is the best in BNI Read more
Croydon Christmas Lights will be switched on by Larry Lamb
  • 19th October 2011
Larry Lamb, Eastenders and Gavin & Stacey regular will switch on Croydon's Christmas lights on 17th November 2011. Read more
Croydon is alive and kicking, from lady toastmaster Vanessa King
  • 22nd September 2011
On Thursday 15th September 2011 it was my privilege to be toastmaster at a fundraiser hosted by The Best of Croydon where over £3,000 was raised to support those affected. Read more
As Spring begins to bloom in Croydon, do you need to take a few steps towards feeling blooming marvellous yourself?
  • 29th February 2012
You know that spring is creeping up on us, which means summer (such as it may be) won't be far behind.... Read more
How much holiday pay must you pay?
  • 24th July 2009
Many employers are confused about holiday pay as the Government keeps increasing the minimum and case law changes who gets what when they are away on long term leave.... Read more
Consider the leagcy of the trolley bus - by David Callam
  • 4th September 2008
LONG before the Olympic flame arrives in Stratford and for many years afterwards, Croydon will be feeling the benefit of the 2012 London Games.And with a little ingenuity and some political leadership the advantages to the whole of south London could be ev Read more
Croydon Women In Business FREE Exhibition
  • 9th September 2009
Take the opportunity for effective networking at this free event 24th September 2009 Read more
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