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Local News and Updates
Warning! The Sun Can Damage your skin
  • 28th June 2011
We are almost through this mini heatwave but I'm sure there's more hot weather to come.... Read more
The tax system
  • 8th October 2010
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to £100... Read more
Keep your Croydon business booming with effective local networking
  • 9th May 2012
Any business person will know that in these challenging times you cannot afford to take your eye off the ball for a moment – in fact you absolutely have to pick it up and run with it.... Read more
Luddite, by Zebra IT
  • 14th April 2012
luddite: one who fears technology or new technology, as seems pleased with how things currently are....... Read more
Croydon's future goes on display
  • 26th April 2012
Following an International Investment Conference in Cannes last month, Develop Croydon will be giving residents the chance to see for themselves various schemes designed to develop and improve Croydon Read more
Xmas temps
  • 6th November 2009
We are moving towards the time of year when many people take on Christmas temps (or are taken on as temps), so we thought we would give you some pointers on the legal side of temp work.... Read more
Top inspirational presenters announced for ‘We Mean Business’ exhibition
  • 21st August 2010
First to inspire visitors at ‘We Mean Business’ is Nigel Botterill, Chief Executive of a business empire that includes some of the fastest growing businesses in the country. Read more
Come on Croydon – eat your greens!
  • 28th May 2012
Last week was National Vegetarian Week, the UK's annual awareness raising campaign designed to promote vegetarian food and the benefits of a meat free lifestyle.... Read more
Use the system for the common good - by David Callam
  • 25th September 2008
THE INTRICACIES of the present economic maelstrom are quite beyond me.But I do have the uncomfortable feeling that unless we're all very careful we're about to be sacrificed on the altar of big money.If I understand the rescue proposals correctly, the bank Read more
Croydon’s Car Boot season is getting under way - perfect time for a Spring Clean!
  • 29th March 2012
This weekend offers a choice of indoor or outdoor car boot sales for Croydon locals.... Read more
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