Charitable Organisations in Deal and Dover

Find the best Charitable Organisations in Deal and Dover as recommended by local Deal and Dover people in thebestof Deal and Dover's Charitable Organisations directory.
Charitable Organisations in Deal and Dover
Kent Cancer Trust
Are you interested in helping to make Kent a centre of excellence for Cancer Care in the UK? Your loved ones deserve the best. By supporting Kent Cancer Trust, we can achieve this together.
Paul L said
When a friend lost several family members he was desperate to do something to help support Kent cancer trust so we made arrangements for donations at his wedding which was a lovely gesture and fitting memory to those loved ones who were sadly not able to be there. We would urge others to do the same.
Age Concern Deal Centre For The Retired Ltd
Age concern, Deal Centre for the retired, based in Park Street Deal, is a charitable organisation concerned with the physical and social care of residents over 50 in and around the Deal Dover and Sandwich Kent area. It has an action packed calender of exciting activities for those wishing to live their lives to the full!
Well done to Terry and his team of voluntary directors who are constantly looking at forging new parterships to help support the centre and maintain the essential services it provides for the benfit of our lcoal community. We recommend you support their events and activities when ever the opportunity arises.
African lions are in real danger of extinction. Their population has declined by a shocking 90% since the 1960s. But where is the media attention? What is being done to save this beautiful, iconic creature from extinction? LIONAID is a campaigning charity on a mission to raise the profile of African lions' plight and get action to save these wonderful creatures. LIONAID is based in Dover and active across the UK.
JANE L said
Without the courage and conviction of the people involved in setting up this charity we would all be ignorant of just how close we are to loosing some of the worlds most beautiful and awesome creatures.The people in power can stop the unecessary death and destruction so I would recommend you give Lionaid all the support possible to outlaw this barbaric trade.
Kent Air Ambulance Trust
Kent Air Ambulance Trust - Providing a valuable emergency service to Kent
I always support this invaluable service as with increased congestion on our local Deal roads getting to our local hospitals in an emergency is increasingly more difficult and this essentail service could soon be our only option.
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Hawkshill Freedown
Kent Cancer Trust
Age Concern Deal Centre For The Retired Ltd
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