Charities in Deal and Dover

Find the best Charities in Deal and Dover as recommended by local Deal and Dover people in thebestof Deal and Dover's Charities directory.
Charities in Deal and Dover
Kent Air Ambulance Trust
Kent Air Ambulance Trust, one of the ,most essential charities dedicated to saving the lives of the people of Deal Dover and Sandwich and the whole of Kent.
I always support this invaluable service as with increased congestion on our local Deal roads getting to our local hospitals in an emergency is increasingly more difficult and this essentail service could soon be our only option.
Kent Cancer Trust
Kent Cancer Trust, a pioneering charity pushing Kent towards being a centre of excellence for Cancer treatment in the UK.Your donations to charities such as this literally save lives, so please get involved and help or donate where the opportunity arises.
Paul L said
When a friend lost several family members he was desperate to do something to help support Kent cancer trust so we made arrangements for donations at his wedding which was a lovely gesture and fitting memory to those loved ones who were sadly not able to be there. We would urge others to do the same.
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Kent Air Ambulance Trust
Age Concern Deal Centre For The Retired Ltd
Hawkshill Freedown
Kent Cancer Trust
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