Charity Shops in Deal and Dover

Find the best Charity Shops in Deal and Dover as recommended by local Deal and Dover people in thebestof Deal and Dover's Charity Shops directory.
Charity Shops in Deal and Dover
Age Concern Deal Centre For The Retired Ltd
Deal Centre for the Retired situated in the heart of Deal Town, is a welcoming hub of interaction for retired residents of the Deal, Walmer,Dover and Sandwich.The Centre Charity Shop raises essential funds to finance the vast range of entertainment and activities that go on in the community centre.
Well done to Terry and his team of voluntary directors who are constantly looking at forging new parterships to help support the centre and maintain the essential services it provides for the benfit of our lcoal community. We recommend you support their events and activities when ever the opportunity arises.
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Hawkshill Freedown
Kent Air Ambulance Trust
Kent Cancer Trust
Age Concern Deal Centre For The Retired Ltd
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