Why it’s important to regularly review your life insurance
4th August 2011
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Hannah Macintyre of Absolute Financial writes: The sun is shining, the kids are off school and it seems like we might actually get a summer this year – so it’s safe to say life insurance is probably the last thing on your mind at the moment. However, research by Sainsbury’s Finance has shown that in a time when the cost of nearly everything is increasing the cost of life insurance has actually dropped.

Most people understand how important life insurance is – to protect your family if the worst should happen and provide them with a lump sum or an income in the event of your death – but once you’ve taken out a policy it’s easy to just let it run and ignore it. When things get tougher for families and cuts need to be made life insurance is often one of the first things to go, but a simple review could halve what you’re paying and still provide you with the same level of cover.

With rates differing between providers up to a staggering 59% and at a time when things are getting a bit tighter financially for everyone why not review your policy now and see if you can save money? The majority of consumers could either increase their cover for the same premium or reduce their monthly costs and there’s not a lot else you can say that about these days!


About the Author

Stephanie H & Keith M

Member since: 15th April 2012

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