Weight Loss in Doncaster

Find the best Weight Loss in Doncaster as recommended by local Doncaster people in thebestof Doncaster's Weight Loss directory.
Weight Loss in Doncaster
Lighter Life
If you have three stone or more to lose, LighterLife in Doncaster may be just the weight loss programme you need
Paul M said
Previosly I spent recent ears of my life limiting my social activities due to my significant weight gain .Having attempted many diets with little in way of result ,I was introduced to the lighter life business .
This company has the benefits of a large branded business but operates as a very versitile and people focused local business .The service provided by the trained counsellor Debbie ,goes way beyond what you would expect from a weight loss programme .Debbie spends a terric amount of time in tailoring and refining the programme content so as to provide the maximum support for each participant.The result is that you feel like your friend has helped you understand your issues with food and how to address them .
The result for me was that I acheived exactly what I set out to acheive and lost a significant amount of weight whilst being educated as how to address my lifestyle change and my relationship with food in the future .Moreover I got my social life back thanks Debbie..
Source: thebestof.co.uk
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