Golf Driving Ranges in Downpatrick

Find the best Golf Driving Ranges in Downpatrick as recommended by local Downpatrick people in thebestof Downpatrick's Golf Driving Ranges directory.
Golf Driving Ranges in Downpatrick
Downpatrick Golf Centre
For a state of the art Golf Driving Range, Professional Golf Tuition and a Custom-Fit Golf Club Service, contact the Downpatrick Golf Centre. Floodlit bays avalilable for all year round play. WINTER TARGET GOLF COMPETITION - see details
eddie m said
I have used these facilities on numerous occasions, both in daylight and under floodlights. This range is second to none in my experience. It has a combination of friendly staff and excellent facilities, even for me a left hander. I find it to be easily accessable and suitable for all ages.
I would recommend it for a fun day out and/or serious opportunity to help improve ones golf swing.
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