Training Consultants in Dundee and Angus

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Training Consultants in Dundee and Angus
Figure 8 Consultancy Services Ltd
The training consultants at Figure 8 Consultancy Services in Dundee offer training programmes and development courses as well as quality workshops and management training options to professionals who work with people battling substance misuse problems.
Steve H said
Andy from Figure 8 has delivered various training courses for Trinity over the years: Therapeutic Community Principles, Relapse Prevention, Facilitating Groups, Managerial Supervision & Solution Focused Brief Therapy. About twenty of our staff has benefitted from Andy’s training, including myself, and as a result we have had to completely rewrite what we do and how we do it. By discovering that we are not the experts and that people have the solutions to their own problems, we have had to retrain all our staff who, as a result, have been on individual journeys of self discovery. We now provide space for people, not answers, we now listen, not tell, we now facilitate and empower, rather than advise and do things for people. In short, Andy’s training has meant an awful lot of work and managing people through change, so, if you don’t want your world turned upside down by insightful & visionary training, and radically improving your services is not your cup of tea, do not employ Figure 8!
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