Did you feel guilty about Easter Chocolate?
24th April 2014
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Some interesting research has been published by the University of South Canterbury in New Zealand. As reported in the New Zealand Herald - A survey of over 3000 people were asked of their attitude towards chocolate cake.

Some responded saying that they felt guilty about the treat, and this affected their enjoyment,others that they saw it as something to be had in celebration, and could enjoy it this way.

The interesting part is that those who felt guilty about it usually gave in to temptation and put on more weight than the other group. A sceptic might say that the celebration group could find something to celebrate everyday. But those who used chocolate cake as celebration obviously only celebrated every now and then,but the other group may have felt guilty all the time, and gave in all the time.

So, if you celebrated with chocolate at Easter, there may be no need to worry.

But if you do want to cut down, or give up chocolate completely, have a look at www.effectivehypnosis.co.uk/home

About the Author

Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

Matthew started to train in Hypnotherapy over twenty -five years ago - having already completed over ten years in the counselling field. When he qualified, in 1999, he founded Effective Hypnosis....

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