3rd July 2018
... Comments

 The Times reports today that Gambleaware - the advice line funded by the betting industry, to help avoid addiction - has been unstaffed for almost a month.

 They say that, at the time of the World Cup Finals, people are going to be tempted to bet more than ever. Yet when they have tried to get through, they have met with an already full voice mailbox.

 Gambleaware responded, saying that they recieve no government funding, and do not have the staff to respond immediately - so can only offer a callback service. The new legislation,  that is due to come into force this year, calls for more funding to be put up by the industry. But, at the moment, The Times says that callers do not seem to be getting any help.

 Effective Hypnosis offers a quick response - and a program that is designed to stop gambling addiction dead.

Matthew Hall, Master in Clinical Hypnosis

01895810772 / 07732391008


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Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

The state of hypnosis is very like the state between waking and sleeping. A hypnotherapist will talk you down into a very relaxed state. Then he will test to make sure you are there. Once you are there...

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