Hypnotherapy on the NHS?
28th March 2014
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Hypnoterapy on the NHS?

The Evening Standard has hosted a call for every hospital to have a hypnotherapist on staff, in a report about how Sharon Waxkirch had her wisdom teeth removed without anaesthetic.

 Ms Waxkirch claims that having ready hypnotists on site would save the NHS millions of pounds every year, saying that hypnosis can overide the chemicals  in the  brain that cause fear and tension.It can allow people to subdue pain and help the body to heal itself.

 Stutters, eczema,psoriasis,sleep disorders and other neurological disorders can also be tackled, she claims.

 Effective Hypnosis would like to commend her for this call. The results could be astounding. Sharon does not mention the two main areas that we get called about-Stopping Smoking and Weight Loss-  if we take these into account, then the NHS bill would be reduced massively.

 Until this actually happens - why not have a look at the hypnosis page on www.thebestof.co.uk/ealing 

or www.effectivehypnosis.co.uk/home













About the Author

Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

The state of hypnosis is very like the state between waking and sleeping. A hypnotherapist will talk you down into a very relaxed state. Then he will test to make sure you are there. Once you are there...

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