Local Online Search Growing at Faster Rate
20th December 2010
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A recent study from ComScore has unveiled good news for all local businesses. Research shows that growth in local search has eclipsed overall online search. With all search volume up by 21% since 2009, it has been revealed that 1 in 6 online searches are for local businesses, services or products.

While the practice of using online tools to find local businesses saw an overall increase of 58% in 2009, figures showing that 2010 played host to an exponential growth in use of local sites, as opposed to Internet Yellow Pages, particularly caught our eye here at The Best of Ealing. As we enter 2011, local sites such as The Best Of are holding 68% of local searches, a 17% increase from 2009.

With 70% of consumers stating online sites as their primary source of information when conducting local business searches, it is perhaps worrying that further research suggests that 90% of local businesses are not doing enough online promotion.

So for all the local businesses in the borough that have not yet been swayed by the benefits of having an online presence, we share this information with you in the hope that the New Year will bring you new ways of getting new business.

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