Something Good From Something Bad: PrelovedReloved
8th August 2011
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Are you the type of person who passes by charity shops and doesn't notice them, or are you the kind to pop in for a nosy? I used to be the former, now I am the latter and I am going to tell you why.

Charity shops are the only places on the high street I can get things to wear: for the whole of 2011 I have pledged to buy only second-hand clothes and raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.


I've always admired Macmillan as a charity - the work they do and the support they give is second to none. My father was diagnosed with cancer 18 months ago, and last year I cycled from London to Paris for another cancer charity. This year I had the off-the-cuff idea of wearing 2nd hand clothes - giving my family something else to focus on instead Dad's illness is the main reason for this.

Unfortunately, days after he emailed my brother to proclaim that I had committed to dressing "like a tramp" for a year, he passed away. And so I continue doing my project - known as PrelovedReloved - in his memory. It's also nice to have something good come out of something so bad I guess.

So about me: I'm 29 (yes, sourcing outfits for a plethora of 30th birthdays/weddings this year is proving hard), I live in Ealing with my boyfriend. I'm from Wakefield originally, but have been in London for four years and have made it my home for the time being.

I'm going to be posting here regularly about my Ealing-centric adventure, but you can also read my national blog at where I post photos of outfits and moan a lot.

Speak next month,

Kim xx

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