Stop Smoking Success Rates
12th January 2012
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The NHS Stop Smoking Clinics rely heavily on giving people advice on using NIcotine Replacement Therapy. Once someone has given up with NRT, and stayed a non- smoker for a month,  their success is counted as a statistic.

Research published by the University of Massachusetts, in the United States, in January 2012, suggests that up to a third of those who stop with NRT will start again within a year (despite the fact that they may already be a success statistic).

The NHS expects a hypnotherapist to not count an ex-smoker as a statistic until they have refrained from smoking for a full year.

For info about stopping smoking with hypnotherapy, with testimonials and realistic statistics - see the Effective Hypnosis feature on The Best of Ealing.

About the Author

Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

Matthew started to train in Hypnotherapy over twenty -five years ago - having already completed over ten years in the counselling field. When he qualified, in 1999, he founded Effective Hypnosis....

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