If you haven't get been to a Surgeonaires gig, you are missing out. We have great fun every time we play live - and we make sure our audiences have a great time too. There is no better venue in West London for watching the awesome Surgeonaires than the Duke of York (W7 3SP). Lovely venue. Free entry. Lovely bar staff. Lovely audience. Fantastic sound. Original material (maybe a couple of covers for a laugh). Great show. Lots of fun. Cheap prices. Special offers on special drinks. You will enjoy yourself and everyone who is unable to get there for whatever reason will be so jealous that they missed it. If you want a taster before you come, check out the Surgeonaires recordings on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music and all important channels. Then check out the YouTube videos of some of our live performances You will love us. Trust me, I'm a Surgeonaire. https://www.surgeonaires.com/
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