Ditzy Media

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Stuck with what to write for your Social Media posts?...
Social media can be a bit like marmite – but during this uncertain, difficult time – online networking is being used to bring people together....
We are delighted to share the final results announced for the 2019 Business of The Year competition on The Best Of.
When it comes to ROI on Social Media what questions should you be asking?...
Do you run a Facebook page for your business?...
What does your social media presence say about your business in Eastbourne or even the wider East Sussex?
Today is social media day!...
Come along to the July 2016 #EBtweetup to hear more about the journey of Ditzy Media!...
Do you want to better understand the world of social media?...
Want to connect with others via Twitter but not sure where to start?...
If you have no yet got a Facebook page for you business or organisation this might be a good time to read this.
If you want to get started with Twitter or confirm you have not missed a step....
If you are a small business owner in Eastbourne struggling to see why social media could benefit you - this blog is for you!
Season up your social media!
Season up your social media!
This social media blog contains the recipe for flavoursome content, to be seasoned well with beautiful visuals, in time for key social events when it will be best appreciated.
What is Social Credibility on Social Media and why is it important to your business?...
Last week was the Eastbourne Business Awards at the Grand Hotel.
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