Ginta's Hypnotherapy and Coaching
  • Eastbourne
Discover Ginta’s powerful hypnotherapy in Eastbourne—incorporating conversational hypnosis, talkative therapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and IEMT ( Integrated Eye Movement Therapy). Overcome fears, manage anxiety, and enhance well-being with your trusted local expert.

At Ginta’s Hypnotherapy and Coaching, the mission is to guide individuals towards holistic well-being, addressing specific concerns through a person-oriented, multidisciplinary approach.

Ginta prioritises the following areas to best serve her clients:

Fears and Phobias:

Ginta specialises in using hypnotherapy and coaching to address and alleviate irrational fears. Her approach involves multiple conversational therapies in trance, incorporating NLP techniques, EFT and IEMT  elements.


Ginta recognises the impact of anxiety on overall well-being. Through her multidisciplinary approach, she helps clients manage and overcome anxiety using of combination of highly effective therapeutic techniques.


Stress management is a core focus at Ginta’s practice. She employs hypnotherapy and coaching, along with other therapeutic techniques, to teach effective coping strategies and induce deep relaxation.

Pain Management:

Ginta offers complementary pain management solutions through hypnotherapy and multiple NLP techniques. Her approach addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of pain, providing relief and enhancing overall well-being.

Weight Loss:

Ginta understands the complexities of the weight loss journey. Utilising her multidisciplinary approach, she helps clients achieve their weight loss goals by addressing underlying issues and fostering positive behavioural changes.

Stop Smoking and Vaping:

Ginta is committed to supporting individuals in their journey to quit smoking and vaping.

Her approach involves conversational hypnosis, incorporating NLP techniques and IEMT

elements to reprogram the subconscious mind and break the habit.

Ginta’s Approach:

Ginta’s approach is unique and highly client centred. She tailors her methods according to each client’s specific needs, ensuring a personalised and effective transformational experience. The integration of multiple conversational therapies in trance, NLP

techniques, EFT and IEMT reflects Ginta’s commitment to a comprehensive and results-driven approach.

If you're searching for a compassionate and skilled guide to help you overcome fears, manage anxiety, alleviate stress, address pain, achieve weight loss, or quit smoking, Ginta is here to support you on your journey to well-being.

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Overcoming Fears: The Science Behind Hypnotherapy

Uncover how hypnotherapy reprograms fear responses, offering relief from debilitating phobias. Explore its scientific basis and effectiveness in treating anxiety disorders. Read article
National Council for Hypnotherapy
National Council for Hypnotherapy